Diablo 4 Malignant Hearts Guide Cover
24 July 2023 | Diablo 4

Diablo 4 Season of the Malignant Guide: All 32 Malignant Hearts

Get ready for the Season of the Malignant, an exciting new chapter Blizzard has revealed. In this season, there are 32 special gems called Malignant Hearts that can seriously leveling change your character's abilities and strengths.

Let's start with Vicious Hearts. These red color gems fit perfectly into red Jewelry sockets, making you a fierce force on the battlefield. You can get them as drops from tough Vicious Malignant Monsters or craft them at Cormond's wagon if you're feeling crafty.

If you prefer a more defensive approach, check out the Brutal Hearts. They'll make you super tough, allowing you to withstand even the toughest attacks. Blue gems fit in blue Jewelry sockets and make you tougher against strong enemies.

For the clever and sneaky players, the Devious Hearts. These pink gems fit into purple Jewelry sockets and provide useful utility powers, making it your most deadly weapon. You'll become a master of shadows!

But, the most intriguing of all are the mysterious Wrathful Hearts, cloaked in darkness. A black color gem of Super Power, it has the versatility to be equipped in any of the three Jewelry sockets. They hold unimaginable secrets, giving you extraordinary abilities beyond mortal understanding.

With the D4 Malignant Hearts Farm service, you'll have more time to explore, fight, and immerse yourself in the game. No need to grind endlessly, let our experts handle the farming while you enjoy the thrilling adventure and leveling.

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Diablo 4 Caged Malignant Hearts Farm

Are you eager to enhance your character's might and dominate the world of Diablo 4 in new Season of the Malignant? Look no further! Our Diablo 4 Caged Malignant Hearts Farm service offer you the perfect solution.

To get these Hearts, you have to defeat Malignant Monsters in the game. As you progress, your character's power will grow, making the Hearts even more potent. Starting at Level 20, you'll see their initial power, but they'll become stronger with every step you take, helping you rise to greatness.

Remember, you can find these gems in any World Tier of the Seasonal Realm. So, your choices will shape your destiny.

General Guide: Unveiling the Mysteries of Malignant Hearts

So, these Caged Hearts as special gems in Diablo 4, and they come in four categories: Vicious, Brutal, Devious, and Wrathful. Each type gives your character unique powers to either attack enemies, defend against attacks, or provide helpful utilities. Now, let's dive into what these awesome items can actually do for you!

These special artifacts will boost your gameplay and make your character stronger than ever. Let's explore these list cool Caged Hearts and see what they can do:

Malignant Hearts Explanation Their Abilities
Caged Heart of the Picana (Vicious, Offensive) Unleash the fury of lightning! With each Critical Strike, enemies bear the brunt of electric wrath for 0.75-2.50 seconds. Witness lightning arc between charged foes, dealing 68-136 Lightning damage, and sending shockwaves of devastation through nearby adversaries.
Caged Heart of the Dark Dance (Vicious, Offensive-World Tier III) Your Core Skills now use only 68-51 Life instead of your main resource, giving you amazing strength every 5 seconds. And that's not all! Your Life-consuming skills deal an extra 10-20% damage, making you a force to be reckoned with against your enemies. Let the dance of shadows lead you to victory!
Caged Heart of Tempting Fate (Vicious, Offensive-World Tier III) Embrace the thrill of Critical Strike Damage amplified by 40-60%. But beware, for Non-Critical Strikes come at a cost, dealing 20-15% less damage.
Caged Heart of the Lionheart (Brutal, Defensive) Unyielding as a lion! Bolster your resilience with 10% Barrier Generation. As you stand protected behind a Barrier, revel in the restorative embrace, healing 3-7 Life per second.
Caged Heart of Revenge (Brutal, Defensive-World Tier III) With this heart, you reduce incoming damage by 10-20%. Additionally, certain Defensive, Subterfuge, or Macabre skills amplify the suppressed damage by 250%, exploding into flames dealing 1360-2040 Fire damage to nearby enemies.
Caged Heart of the Prudent Heart (Brutal, Defensive-World Tier III) Cunningly cautious! Should you endure a crushing blow, gain Immunity for 2.0-4.0 seconds. A reliable shield in the face of peril, but beware, this safeguard comes with a 110-second cooldown for optimal balance.
Caged Heart of Determination (Devious, Utility) Master resource manipulation! Diminish the draining effects by 40-50%, and witness your Resource Generation soar with an additional 3.0-8.0%. Your powers now flow seamlessly with unyielding efficiency.
Caged Heart of Retaliation (Devious, Utility-World Tier III) Mark the demise of control! A powerful strike against oppression awaits as you deal 510-680 Fire damage to the enemies surrounding you when a Crowd Control effect is lifted. A tactical maneuver that will not go unnoticed!
Caged Heart of the Calculated (Devious, Utility-World Tier III) Precision personified! As you expend 150-200 of your Primary Resource, seize the opportunity to Stun enemies struck for a glorious 2 seconds. A calculated move, leaving your foes in awe of your strategic mastery.
Caged Heart of the Malignant Pact (Wrathful, Super) Gain a Malignant bonus after every 20 kills, rotating through these options. Vicious: Gain 20% Attack Speed. Devious: Core and Basic Skills have a 15% chance to fully restore your Primary Resource. Brutal: Every 21 seconds, gain a Barrier absorbing 85-102 damage.
Caged Heart of Creeping Death (Wrathful, Super) Your damage over time effects increase by 30-40% for each different Crowd Control effect on the target. Unstoppable monsters and Staggered bosses receive 110-130% increased damage from your damage over time effects.
Caged Heart of The Barber (Wrathful, Super-World Tier III) The dance of the barber begins! Watch as your Critical Strikes and their ensuing damage, within a mere 2.0-4.0 seconds, are entrapped within your target. An explosive climax awaits as the stored damage erupts onto surrounding enemies, amplified by 10% per second!

As you traverse the treacherous landscapes of Diablo 4's Season of the Malignant, this list enigmatic Caged Hearts will become a beacon of power, shaping your character's destiny like never before.

Barbarian Guide

Greetings, mighty Barbarians! Get ready to dominate in Diablo 4's Season of the Malignant with the incredible power of Caged Hearts! Let's explore the special Hearts that will make your Barbarian even stronger:

  • Caged Heart of Focused Rage (Vicious, Offensive): Tap into your inner fury! When you spend 100-60 Fury within just 2 seconds, your Critical Strike Chance for the next Non-Basic Skill increases by 20-30%. Deliver devastating blows to your enemies with this surge of power!
  • Caged Heart of Resurgent Life (Brutal, Defensive): Unyielding resilience flows through you! When your Life drops below 40-60%, this Heart boosts all sources of Healing by an amazing 50-60%. Rise stronger from the brink of defeat!
  • Caged Heart of Punishing Speed (Devious, Utility): Master the art of crowd control! Your Skills have a cunning 20-30% chance to Knock Down all enemies for 1.25 seconds when their Attack Speed exceeds 35-20%. Bring chaos and dominance to the battlefield!
  • Caged Heart of Ignoring Pain (Wrathful, Super-World Tier IV): Endure like never before! With a 5-15% chance, this formidable Heart lets you ignore incoming damage and turn it into healing. Gain a powerful edge in the face of adversity!

These Caged Hearts hold the key to unlock your Barbarian's true potential. Embrace the fury of Focused Rage, the resilience of Resurgent Life, the crowd-controlling mastery of Punishing Speed, and the indomitable spirit of Ignoring Pain.

Rogue Guide

Let's explore these cunning artifacts that will make your Rogue even stronger and change how you fight on the battlefield:

  • Caged Heart of Cluster Munitions (Vicious, Offensive): Seize the power of a Lucky Hit! With up to a 20% chance, unleash 3 Stun Grenades on your enemies, dealing 26-32 Physical damage and temporarily stunning them for 0.50 seconds. Use this strategic advantage to create openings and gain the upper hand in battles.
  • Caged Heart of Trickery (Brutal, Defensive): Master the art of deception! Leave behind unstable Shadow Decoy Traps whenever you use a Subterfuge Skill. These traps will Taunt nearby enemies, drawing their attention. After 6.0 seconds, they will explode, dealing 680-1020 Shadow damage. Distract foes and create chaos to ensure your survival in tough encounters.
  • Caged Heart of the Clipshot (Devious, Utility): Seize the opportunity to control the battlefield! Empower your Cutthroat and Marksman Skills with the power of a Lucky Hit. With up to a 20-40% chance, your Cutthroat Skills can Slow enemies by 40% for 3 seconds, while your Marksman Skills can Knock Back foes. Control the fight and dictate your enemies' positioning to your advantage.
  • Caged Heart of the Vile Apothecary (Wrathful, Super-World Tier IV): Unleash wickedness upon your enemies! With a 5-15% chance, your attacks can apply all Imbuement effects at 40-50% of their normal potency. This vile effect enhances the deadliness of your strikes, leaving your enemies weakened and vulnerable to your devastating assaults.

As a Rogue, these Caged Hearts amplify your cunning tactics, deceitful strategies, and the potency of your attacks, making you a force to be reckoned with on the battlefield. Use the power of Lucky Hits, Shadow Decoy Traps, and battlefield manipulation to dominate your foes and ensure your survival in every dangerous situation.

Sorcerer Guide

Hello, powerful Sorcerers! Get ready to harness arcane might in Diablo 4's Patch 1.1.0 Season of the Malignant with the mysterious Caged Hearts! Let's explore these amazing artifacts that will boost your Class Sorcerer's powers and change how you approach battles:

  • Caged Heart of Tal'Rasha (Vicious, Offensive): Unleash the forces of nature! Each unique element you use deals 7-12% more damage for 3-10 seconds. Wield fire, ice, and lightning to deal devastating blows and exploit your enemies' elemental weaknesses.
  • Caged Heart of Spellbreaking (Brutal, Defensive): Become a master of Spellbreaking! Gain a remarkable advantage against Elemental damage. After taking Elemental damage, you gain 20-40% Resistance to that specific element for 5 seconds. Withstand powerful attacks and prove your resilience against elemental threats.
  • Caged Heart of Spite (Devious, Utility): Unleash your malevolence! Turn affliction into an opportunity for revenge. With a 20-40% chance, the enemy who afflicted you and those around them will suffer the same Crowd Control effect for 3 seconds. Turn your enemies' weaknesses against them and enjoy the satisfaction of Spiteful retribution.
  • Caged Heart of Omnipower (Wrathful, Super-World Tier IV): Embody true omnipotence! Core Skills that launch a projectile consume all your Mana. But for every 45-35 extra Mana consumed, you launch an additional projectile, and the damage is increased by 3.0-5.0%. Rain down a barrage of destructive energy upon your foes, overwhelming them with sheer force and precision.

As a Sorcerer, these Caged Hearts empower you to wield diverse elements, resist elemental damage, retaliate against enemies, and unleash devastating barrages of projectiles. Embrace the mystical powers of Tal'Rasha, become a master of Spellbreaking, and enjoy the satisfaction of Spiteful retribution. Embrace your Omnipotence and rise to new heights of sorcery, leaving your foes in awe of your arcane prowess.

Necromancer Guide

Embrace the eerie power of the Necromancer in Diablo 4's Patch 1.1.0 Season of the Malignant, and wield the enigmatic might of Caged Hearts! Let's explore these malevolent artifacts that will make your Necromancer even stronger and change how you wield your dark arts:

  • Caged Heart of the Sacrilegious (Vicious, Offensive): Walk among the fallen and use their essence! This sinister Heart automatically activates a Corpse Skill every second when you're near a Corpse. The activation deals 40-30% reduced damage, allowing you to control when and how you use your Corpse Skills. Death becomes a weapon in your hands!
  • Caged Heart of the Decrepit Aura (Brutal, Defensive): Surround yourself with an eerie aura of doom! When at least 5 enemies are close, this powerful Heart curses them with Decrepify for 5-15 seconds. Decrepify weakens your foes, making them more vulnerable to your dark arts. Envelop your enemies in the shadows of decay!
  • Caged Heart of Frozen Terror (Devious, Utility): Unleash terror on your enemies! With a chilling 10-20% chance, a Lucky Hit will inflict Fear for 2.5 seconds on your foes. Fear-stricken enemies will also be Chilled, slowing their movements and making them easier targets for your dark spells. Embrace the cold embrace of fear!
  • Caged Heart of the Great Feast (Wrathful, Super-World Tier IV): Empower your minions with unmatched might! Each Minion under your command drains 1.0-2.0 Essence per second but deals 50-75% increased damage, becoming formidable tools of destruction. When you stand alone without Minions, this powerful bonus transfers to you, draining 5 Essence per second. Embrace the darkness and wield the forces of death with your own hands!

These Caged Hearts give the Necromancer mastery over death and decay. Harness the essence of the fallen, curse your enemies with Decrepify, spread fear and chill to immobilize foes, and command your minions to become an unstoppable force of darkness on the battlefield.

Druid Guide

Embrace the wild power of the Druid in Diablo 4's Patch 1.1.0 Season of the Malignant, and wield the incredible might of Caged Hearts! Let's explore the exciting Hearts that will make your Druid even stronger and change how you play:

  • Caged Heart of the Moonrage (Vicious, Offensive): Tap into your wild spirit! With a 5% chance, summon a loyal Wolf Companion to fight alongside you for an exciting 20-30 seconds after each kill. Strengthen your bond with these majestic creatures, giving them a significant +3 bonus to their abilities. Together, you and your wolves will conquer the darkness!
  • Caged Heart of the Agitated Winds (Brutal, Defensive): An unyielding defense against adversity! Automatically trigger Cyclone Armor when surrounded by 8-13 nearby enemies. This powerful armor activates every 10-20 seconds, protecting you from hordes of foes. Stand strong, Druid, for your resilience knows no bounds!
  • Caged Heart of Inexorable Force (Devious, Utility): Master the battlefield with tactical precision! Draw up to 30-50 distant enemies towards you while using an Ultimate Skill. Control the flow of combat, taking charge of the fight and overwhelming your foes. Embrace the art of strategic dominance!
  • Caged Heart of the Unconstrained Beast (Wrathful, Super-World Tier IV): Unleash primal fury when faced with incapacitating effects! There's a 40-60% chance that the fearsome Grizzly Rage will activate for 3 seconds when you experience Stun, Freeze, or Knock Down effects. Break free from restraint and strike back with unmatched ferocity. Unleash your inner beast and let fury be your weapon!

These Caged Hearts unleash the raw power of the Druid, forging a connection with nature that goes beyond the ordinary. Summon wolves, wield agitated winds, manipulate the battlefield, and channel primal fury as you conquer the challenges that await you.

How To Unleash Power: Crafting and Reclaiming Malignant Hearts in Diablo 4

Step into the exciting world of Diablo 4 Season 1, where a thrilling new feature awaits - the ability to craft Malignant Hearts at Cormond's Wagon. Look for the green leaf icon near waypoints to find this special place where you'll unlock incredible power.

To start crafting, you need a special resource called Ichor. Getting Ichor is an exciting adventure on its own. You can either salvage Malignant Hearts or bravely defeat lesser Malignant Monsters to get this valuable resource.

Ichor is a valuable resource needed for crafting and enhancing Hearts. Collect it from powerful Malignant Monsters and lesser ones. Salvage Vicious, Brutal, and Devious Hearts to get 5-15 Ichor each. Wrathful hearts provide even more power, granting 2-5 Ichor of all other Heart types.

To craft specific Hearts, use 35 Ichor from the other two primary-colored Hearts. For example, create a Vicious Heart by combining 35 Brutal Ichor and 35 Devious Ichor. The result will be a random Vicious Heart matching your character's level and class or a Heart that fits various classes.

The journey ahead is full of possibilities. Use your strategic mind to master the art of crafting and shaping Malignant Hearts to unleash their true potential.

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Malignant Hearts: Farming Place

The Malignant Tunnel system has six unique dungeons scattered across Sanctuary. Inside these dark passages, you'll encounter tough enemies, testing your courage and abilities to the max.

Great rewards await those who dare to enter. As you journey through the Malignant Tunnels, you'll find two mysterious Outgrowths. One of them is always Wrathful, and the other represents a specific Heart category, changing in each dungeon.

To unleash the full power of these Outgrowths, craft a special item called the Malignant Invoker at Cormond’s Wagon. With the Malignant Invoker, you can interact with Outgrowths of the same type, summoning a fearsome enemy called the Fully Corrupted. Defeating this tough foe will grant you a Malignant Heart that perfectly matches the monster's type.

The journey through the Malignant Tunnels will test your strength, wit, and determination.

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Diablo 4 Malignant Tunnels Carry

Eager to gain a competitive edge in the thrilling Season 1 of Diablo 4? Look no further than our Diablo 4 Malignant Tunnels carry service! Our adept players will expertly conquer as many tunnels as you desire, leaving you free to revel in the spoils of victory

Malignant Hearts might look confusing at first, but they're actually effective and make you super powerful!

We get it, not everyone has time to figure it all out. We have something awesome to help you out. Our expert team will brave the dangerous Malignant Tunnels, face tough monsters, and gather a bunch of Malignant Hearts for you. And if you want to unlock your character's full leveling potential and experience the true might of Malignant Hearts, our service is here to help.

Don't let anything hold you back from conquering the challenges in the Season of the Malignant. Embrace the magic of Malignant Hearts and become an unstoppable force in Diablo IV Patch 1.1.0!

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