19 July 2024 | World of Warcraft: Retail

The War Within Pre-Patch Event - Radiant Echoes

We all await the new huge patch, but before its release, Blizzard announced the WoW The War Within Pre-Patch Event named Radiant Echoes. The War Within: Radiant Echoes Event starts on July 30th and will continue until August 26th, meaning the event will last until the new patch is released. Everyone can participate because owning The War Within expansion is not required.The main event activities will occur in three zones, rotating in a specific order.

The War Within Pre-Patch Event will follow this rotation pattern: Dustwallow Marsh -> Dragonblight -> Searing Gorge. The rotation is timed and changes based on the progress of the pre-patch event. From July 30th to August 5th, zones change every 90 minutes, from August 6th to August 12th, every 60 minutes, and from August 13th to August 26th, every 30 minutes. For player convenience, Blizzard will add portals to all Radiant Echoes event zones throughout the event. These portals are located in Legion Dalaran in the Chamber of the Guardian, showing the current active zone.

The War Within Pre-Patch

The War Within: Radiant Echoes Event has three phases, and if you complete all three in a zone, mobs will spawn for resource farming, allowing continued farming while waiting for the next Echoes. The main resource of The War Within: Radiant Echoes Event is Residual Memories, used to buy Radiant Echoes rewards. Each zone of The War Within Pre-Patch Event has its own quests:

  • Dustwallow Marsh has the Forgotten Hero with Broken Masquerade quest.
  • Searing Gorge has the Memory of a Duke with Champion of the Waterlords quest.
  • Dragonblight has the Echo of the Silver Hand with Only Darkness quest.

Table of content

Phase 1

In this phase, Congealed Memories appear in the zone and start spawning memories until you defeat them. These memories are NPCs from previous expansions. Teaming up with other players is recommended to clear the zone and defeat Congealed Memories. Defeating them allows you to start the next phase.

image of Ghost
Radiant Echoes

Phase 2

In the second phase, six points appear on the map. These points are past memories tasks that need to be completed to move to the next phase. Tasks in this stage vary, such as killing iconic enemies, waking up sleeping peons, or settling old battles. After completing phase 2 and filling all points, you can move to the next phase.

Radiant Echoes phase 2
Phase 2 - quest

Phase 3

In the third and final phase, an iconic boss from past events appears in each zone:

  • Dustwallow Marsh has Remembered Onyxia
  • Searing Gorge has Remembered Firelord
  • Dragonblight has Remembered Lich King

Defeating the boss ends the event quest for the zone, and the boss cannot spawn again until the zone changes.

image of The War Within Pre-Patch Event - Radiant Echoes phase 3
Boss from phase 3


After completing The War Within: Radiant Echoes Event, you can return to Dalaran or stay in the zone to grind mobs for Residual Memories. Residual Memories are needed for limited-time event rewards. Don’t delay farming Residual Memories, as the rewards will become unavailable after the event.


The War Within: Radiant Echoes Event offers many unique rewards that can be purchased with Residual Memories. Here’s how many Residual Memories you can earn from activities:

  • 1-3 Residual Memories from killing normal Radiant Echo mobs.
  • 5 Residual Memories for killing elite Radiant Echo mobs.
  • 25 Residual Memories for killing objectives during Scattered Memories.
  • 10 Residual Memories for completing Scattered Memories.
  • 500 Residual Memories for killing the last boss and This Takes Me Back if you kill all 3.
  • 1500 Residual Memories for completing Radiant Echoes quest (3 per week).

image of The War Within Pre-Patch Event - Radiant Echoes rewards

Residual Memories can be spent at Quartermasters, special traders for The War Within: Radiant Echoes Event. They are located in Legion Dalaran (inside the Chamber of the Guardian, Remembrancer Amuul), Dustwallow Marsh (by Tabetha's Farm, Forgotten Hero), Searing Gorge (by Iron Summit, Memory of a Duke), and Dragonblight (by Wyrmrest Temple, Echo of the Silver Hand). Quartermasters offer a variety of items such as gear, battle pets, mounts, and bags. Here are the prices for items:

Buy Residual Memories
Skip the tedious farming and save time!
Reviews ⭐ 5.0

Item Price
Necks 2000 Residual Memories
Rings 2000 Residual Memories
Trinkets 2000 Residual Memories
Cloaks 2000 Residual Memories
Bracers- 2000 Residual Memories
Bags 2000 Residual Memories
Off-Hand Frills 3000 Residual Memories
Shields 3000 Residual Memories
Belts 3500 Residual Memories
Gloves 3500 Residual Memories
Boots 3500 Residual Memories.
Shoulders 3500 Residual Memories
Strength/Agility 1H Weapons 4000 Residual Memories
Pants 5000 Residual Memories
Chest 5000 Residual Memories
Helms 5000 Residual Memories
Intellect 1H Weapons 5000 Residual Memories
2H Weapons 8000 Residual Memories
Ranged Weapons 8000 Residual Memories
Battle pets 10000 Residual Memories
Mounts 20000 Residual Memories

Note that you can obtain two mounts - the Remembered Golden Gryphon available for Alliance characters and the Remembered Wind Rider available for Horde characters.

Special reward

The War Within: Radiant Echoes Event has a special reward, the Band of Radiant Echoes. To get this ring, you need to purchase a Lifeless Stone Ring for 25 Residual Memories from Remembrancer Amuul. After that, you need to get three essences: Essence of Kalimdor, Essence of the Eastern Kingdoms, and Essence of Northrend. All of these crafts are from memories that have a chance to drop from objectives in event zones.

Radiant Echoes Boosts
Skip the grind and complete any event activities faster!
Reviews ⭐ 5.0


At the end of our overview of The War Within Pre-Patch Event - Radiant Echoes, we want to emphasize that you shouldn’t ignore this event because the items from The War Within Pre-Patch Event - Radiant Echoes are exclusive limited items, and in the future, you won’t be able to get them. It’s great that Blizzard is doing a WoW pre-patch event while we wait for the new The War Within patch. We hope our overview helps you understand what you need to do in the WoW pre-patch event.

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Change Log

  • 19.07.2024 - The War Within Pre-Patch Event - Radiant Echoes guide published.