17 June 2024 | Other games

Wuthering Waves Progression Guide

Wuthering Waves is a free-to-play, open-world action RPG that launched on May 22nd. Just like in any open-world game, progression is crucial. It's easy to get lost and waste a lot of time on unimportant things, especially when you're just starting out.

So, in Wuthering Waves, success hinges on patience and strategic planning. By following this guide, you'll be well-equipped to tackle the game's challenges and fully immerse yourself in the adventure.

image of Wuthering Waves
Wuthering Waves

And once you master the basics, you'll be ready to explore the deeper aspects of the game.

Table of content

How to Progress in Wuthering Waves

The most important thing is to dive into the main quest first. It unlocks game features and gives you lots of resources and experience. Completing Main Story Missions is the fastest way to level up. So, keep pushing forward until you've unlocked the Convene feature, daily tasks, and the battle pass.

If story progression stops because of your Union Rank, explore, unlock fast travel points, and gather resources.

Still feel like progress is too slow or stuck on some tasks? Use our Wuthering Waves Boost Service to skip the grind and dive straight into the action.

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Let's go over what will speed up your progress further.

Simulation Quests

Start with Simulation quests. They give you lots of experience, weapon upgrade materials, and in-game money. Each quest needs stamina, and as your Union level goes up and your SOL phase increases, the challenges get tougher and the rewards get better.

Completing Simulation quests not only gives you rewards but also increases your Union experience. This experience is key to making your team stronger, improving their skills, and unlocking new abilities. Plan wisely and invest in your Union to ensure your team is ready for tougher battles.

Navigate the SOL Phase: The SOL phase shows your progress in Wuthering Waves. As it increases, new challenges and opportunities open up. Embrace these changes, as they help you discover new adventures and areas in the game.

Side Quests

One of the most effective ways to advance in Wuthering Waves is by diligently completing side quests. Regularly check your journal for Resonator quests, side quests, and exploration quests. These quests are not just filler, they’re essential for gaining Union experience, which is crucial for leveling up and continuing the main storyline.

Side quests offer deeper insights into the game’s lore. Talk to NPCs in towns and cities to uncover these quests, leading to unexpected adventures and valuable rewards.

Resource Management

When you start, collect everything you find: plants, materials, chests, and complete challenges. But remember, you need to manage all your resources wisely. Here are some tips on how to do it:

  • Avoid Early Upgrades: Upgrade units only to the minimum level needed. The early game isn’t too hard, so don’t waste resources.
  • Save Your Materials: Keep materials unless tutorial quests need them. The game will guide you to level up your initial party members (Rover, Bia, and Yangyang) to level 30.
  • Early Game 5-Star Choice: If you want a five-star character, Verina is a good support option. Choose wisely, as you can pick a standard five-star character initially.
  • Pulling for Characters: Be strategic with your pulls. Use Lustrous Tides on the Novice Banner for a 20% discount.

World Bosses Challenges

Open your world map and find key spots like Tacit Fields and Boss Challenges. These places give you important resources for upgrading your characters and weapons.

These cost 60 Wave Plates (stamina) and give you 450 Union experience points. The first time you complete these challenges, you get double experience points.

image of Wuthering Waves World Bosses Challenges
Wuthering Waves World Bosses Challenges

Tip: Teaming up with other players can make boss fights easier and more rewarding. Coordinate with friends or join random teams to fighting bosses faster and share the loot. This speeds up gathering ascension materials and makes grinding more fun and social.

Daily Activities and Milestones

Regularly check the Activity and Milestone tabs in your Guidebook. These tasks provide a steady stream of Union experience, Astrite, and other valuable resources.

While they don't directly boost your party's strength, raising your Union level is crucial for unlocking new story content and gaining access to more materials.

Daily quests are essential. They help you gather resources and gain experience consistently, keeping your character competitive and ready for challenges. Think of daily quests as routine training for bigger battles.

image of Wuthering Waves Daily Activities
Wuthering Waves Daily quests

Collecting Echoes

Echoes are like power-ups for your characters, called Resonators. They boost your stats and give you special abilities.

  • Collecting Echoes: They provide extra abilities and can be upgraded for more power. Found throughout the world and from various game modes, Echoes enhance your drop rates and carrying capacity, making them essential for progression.
  • Upgrading Echoes: Echoes come in four rarities - common, elite, overlord, and calamity, and in ranks 2, 3, 4, and 5. Focus on leveling up Echoes for their main stats. But don't invest too much in early-stage Echoes since you'll replace them with better ones soon.
  • Absorbing Echoes: When you fight enemies, you might absorb their Echo. This not only gives immediate benefits but also levels up your Data Bank, increasing your chances of getting higher rarity Echoes.
image of Wuthering Waves Collecting Echoes
Wuthering Waves Echoes

Endgame: Tower of Adversity, Tactical Hologram, and the Depth of Elusive Realm

As you reach higher resonator levels (40-50+), focus on advanced game modes like the Tower of Adversity, Tactical Hologram, and the Depth of Elusive Realm. These modes need more strategic builds and stronger units.

These endgame activities are for players who want to optimize their party with the best weapons and Echo setups, testing their skills to the max.

Casual players can tackle these challenges at their own pace. While not essential for post-story progression, they provide an opportunity to enhance your skills and delve into the game's depth.

image of Wuthering Waves  Tower of Adversity
Wuthering Waves Tower of Adversity

General Tips & Tricks for Progression in Wuthering Waves

By using these tips, you'll speed up your progress in Wuthering Waves and enhance your gaming experience:

  • Wave Plate Management: Regularly spend Wave Plates to avoid reaching the limit. You receive 10 per hour, totaling 240 per day, so use them wisely.
  • Events: Watch for in-game events. Participating in these can give you rare items, unique characters, and valuable resources.
  • Unlock Nexuses: Unlock all fast travel points (Nexuses) on the map. This will provide full heals and enhance your survivability.
  • Daily and Weekly Tasks: Always complete daily and weekly missions to earn essential rewards and Union experience points.
  • Waves Characters: Clear the Tower of Adversity's Stable Zone to get a free Yuanwu.
  • Boost Your Progress: You can save time and hassle by simply boosting your Wuthering Waves account.
  • Resource Conservation: Be mindful of your resources and avoid unnecessary early upgrades. Save materials for higher levels and more significant improvements.
  • Your Weapons: Early game weapons (3 stars) are okay, but mid-game weapons (4-5 stars) are much better. Prioritize getting and upgrading these as you progress.

Final Thoughts

This guide is here to give you a hand at the start of your adventure. Wanting to level up faster is nothing new, it's like a must in gacha games.

Remember, patience and smart planning are crucial for success. As you move through the main story, embrace the new challenges and opportunities that come your way.

If you feel like you're stuck in your progress, there's another option that might help you: the Wuthering Waves Boost Service.

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Change Log

  • 17.06.2024 - Wuthering Waves guide published.