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Exit the Location Operational Task

Here you can buy Escape from Tarkov Operational Tasks Boost Service to get rewards for them fast and smooth.

Service Includes

  • Successful completion of one "Exit the Location" operational task from those available for your account
  • At least one successful raid run
  • That task will be turn-in to quest giver by our player for avoiding the situation of exceeding the time limit for the quest and therefore failing the task
  • The Estimated Start Time is 1-8 hours after the order
  • The Estimated Completion Time is 2-7 hours


  • Escape from Tarkov account
  • At least one operational task available for your account
  • 16 or more hours before the time for the task will expire.
  • Login and password. Account safety is guaranteed


Operational tasks in Escape from Tarkov is a brand new type of quest in the game

Operational Tasks are a new type of Escape From Tarkov quests. That can be either daily or weekly quests. Tasks are provided to the players by traders, and there are no specific quests dependent on who offers you a task. All of them are very standard and reveal nothing about the story. The objectives of the tasks are simple to understand. For instance, you may be offered to find and hand over a few items or eliminate a specific number of Scav or PMC in certain locations. Operational tasks have a time limit. How great a reward for completing the task? It depends on the type and conditions of the task. It also scales from the level of your PMC. About reward - it can be experience, money, or equipment of some sort. And most importantly - almost all operational tasks give players some reputation with traders!

Operational tasks in Escape from Tarkov is a good opportunity faster boost and fit-out your character

The only way to develop a character in Escape from Tarkov is successful raids and the completion of mandatory or, in other words, story quests. But at times, for a new story quest to become available to you, you need to get a certain character level. Operational tasks will serve as an additional source of experience, currency, or weapons, making it easier for your former PMC to survive in Tarkov.

Types of operational tasks in Escape from Tarkov and why you want to use our boost service to complete them

There are 3 types of operational tasks you can take and complete.

  • Exit the location. Exit the location is an operational task that requires several successful extractions from the raid with the "Survived" status. The number of extractions required varies from 1 to 3 for a daily task and from 4 to 5 for a weekly task. If you fear that you will not have enough time to complete all successful raids and meet objectives before the time of the task expires - don't be doubt. Just use our Exit the Location Operational Task Boost Service any time when you need it. It's convenient - you won't feel negative if something goes wrong and you have to leave the task halfway through.
  • Elimination. The requirements for quests in this category can vary very widely. For example, the objective of the mission can be a few SCAV or PMC and even a SCAV boss. The method of eliminating may also differ. It can be the destruction of enemy personnel from a certain distance, in a specific part of the body, or using a special weapon.
  • Find and transfer. You should find and hand over the quest giver several randomly selected items. They must be "found in raid" or crafted in your hideout.
In addition to the usual tasks with a daily time limit, a player of level 15 or higher have their weekly versions available. Weekly Operational Tasks require a little more effort, but their reward is much higher. If your PMC has not yet reached level 15, you can use our  Escape of Tarkov Leveling  not to miss such an opportunity to boost your character. In operational tasks, two things that may be unpleasant for you. You don't like focusing on the method you do it and the distance you do it. Instead of eliminating the enemy's personnel by a straightway. And, the task timer may upset you. You do not always have time to complete operational tasks, but skipping them will lose an advantage for your PMC. Don't worry, because we are here to help you out! Our professional and trusted Mmonster players can complete all operational tasks in no time.  So would you still need to waste your time on routine? Buy Escape from Tarkov Operational Task Boost from us, lean back, and enjoy results!
Please note that due to certain requirements to meet objectives of tasks, you can buy Escape from Tarkov Operational Task Boost Service with account sharing only. Our drivers do your orders without using a third-party application or hacks. We guarantee the security of your account, complete anonymity, and reliability of our farm boost services.

Exit the Location Operational Task