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New World The Reformator Great Axe 580 GS The Reformation Quest Boost

Great Axe [The Reformator] is one of the mighty great axes in the game at level 60. The Axe has a 580 Gear Score and the most valuable stats and perks for players who prefer to play with Great Axes, such as Critical Hit Chance, Critical Damage Multiplier, Base Stamina, Accuracy, Stagger Damage and a uniqe perk [Fortifying Whirlwind] .

Service Includes


  • Level 60 Character is required.

  • Access to your Steam Account for this type of service is required. After purchase, our managers will ask you for a login and password from your Steam account. We guarantee the security of your account, complete anonymity, and reliability of our power leveling services.

  • It would help if you told us your preferred playtime to plan our work times at a specific time range not to disturb you during your playtime.


Epic Quests for high level Characters and powerful weapons as a reward.

As soon you will achieve 60 level in the New World your adventure will be just beginning. There is a lot of things you can do at level cap, but the most paramount and important task is to complete a specific quest-chain and get an epic weapon as a reward. No matter what role/weapon you play, there is a quest for each of them. While quest completion, in addition to 580 GS Weapon, you will get a 570 GS epic amulet named [Infinity Crystal] as a reward for the Madaki's Stratagem Quest.

The Reformator - Great Axe

Great Axe [The Reformator] is one of the mighty great axes in the game at level 60. The Axe has a 580 Gear Score and the most valuable stats and perks for players who prefer to play with Great Axes, such as Critical Hit Chance, Critical Damage Multiplier, Base Stamina, Accuracy, and Stagger Damage. Additionally, [The Reformator] has a unique perk, "Fortifying Whirlwind" (Whirlwind hits grant Fortify on self, increasing damage absorption by 3 ~ 13.9% for 2 seconds. (10 stacks max.). With [The Reformator] , your damage will increase significantly, which will be helpful for the comfortable end-game content.

How to get The Reformator - MmonsteR Boosting Service

To get this powerful melee weapon, you must complete one of the hardest in-game quest-chains, The Reformation designed for well-geared level 60 characters, and not every quest from this quest-chain is doable solo. A good team is highly recommended for this epic challenge. MmonsteR team is ready to boost you through the quest and get this powerful Great Axe in the shortest possible time.

New World  The Reformator Great Axe 580 GS The Reformation Quest Boost