Tarisland Blight Dragon Boost

Buy Tarisland Blight Dragon Boost service to defeat the toughest boss and complete the hardest raid in Tarisland. With our assistance, you can finish this raid on any difficulty, including Challenge Mode. Order now and defeat the dragon faster!

Service Includes

  • Blight Dragon raid completion.
  • Powerful gear for raid completion:
    • Elite Raid: Set items, rare Badge, and rare Weapon with 100 GS (purple).
    • Epic Raid: Set items, rare Badge, and rare Weapon with 110 GS (purple).
  • Achievements: Dragonslayer and Dragonslayer [Epic] for completing the raid on Elite and Epic difficulty.
  • Chance to earn Battle Pass EXP and Gold Coins as rewards for completing Monarch of Omen achievements.
  • All items that may drop during the Blight Dragon Carry service.
  • Ancient Medal as a reward for first raid completion on Elite difficulty.
  • Ray Medal as a reward for first raid completion on Epic difficulty.
  • Dragon Heart Fragment - a rare resource required to obtain the Young Blight Dragon mount.


  • Active Tarisland account.
  • Elite difficulty - level 40 and 100 gear score.
  • Epic difficulty - level 40 and 110 gear score.

Boost Options Explained

  • Select your platform- In this option, you can select platform on which you play.
  • Select your region - In this option, you need to select the region where you play.
  • Account sharing - This option means allowing the booster to access your account to perform the service.
  • Selfplay - This option means performing the service without giving the booster access to your account.
  • Select difficulty - In this option, you need to select the dungeon difficulty.

How it works

After you've selected all the desired options and paid for your order, you'll receive an order number and an email confirmation that your order has been accepted.

  • Contact us by Discord or WhatsApp;
  • If you don't get in touch for a while, our operators will contact you using the specified method or email;
  • Provide us with your order number, and our support crew will start looking for a suitable booster;
  • As soon as we assign a player to carry out Blight Dragon Boost, we will need your game account details or account/character credentials for an invite;
  • When the Tarisland Blight Dragon Boost is completed, you'll receive a notification in the Discord channel or other messenger of your choice.

Enjoy the results of your order ;)

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Blight Dragon Kill - Location, Strategies, and Rewards

The Blight Dragon, also known as Ensidor, is one of the raid bosses from the Monarch of Omen Raid in Tarisland. It is the hardest boss from the hardest raid in the game. During the battle, players will face the most powerful creature and have to defeat him to bring peace to the lands of Tarisland. In our article, we will show you how to kill the Blight Dragon effectively.

Root of Corrosion Raid - Location

To start the raid, click on "Gameplay" (the button with a shield and swords) in the bottom right corner and select Raid from the activities. This will open the raid menu where you can choose Monarch of Omen raid and clik on Blight Dragon. Alternatively, you can simply press the "H" button. Below, we have attached an image to help you easily find this menu.

Raid Menu in Tarisland
Click on the image to open full image.

To start the raid, you need to create a team. You can assemble a team yourself, or after clicking the "Enter Dungeon" button, select the "Matchmaking" option, and a team will be automatically created for you. The matchmaking process may take some time, on average, it takes about 2 - 5 minutes to find a team.

Blight Dragon - Requirments

To start the raid, players need to reach level 40 and 100 gear score, as well as have a team of 10 members. Without meeting these conditions, you won't be able to start the raid. And without a good team, you can easily wipe out on the boss.

Blight Dragon - Difficulties

There are only two difficulty levels in the battle with the dragon: Elite and Epic (Normal is not available). To participate in the raid on these difficulties, you need to meet the following conditions:

  • Elite difficulty - level 40 and 100 gear score.
  • Epic difficulty - level 40 and 110 gear score.

Additionally, the game features an extra difficulty level - Challenge Mode, which is available on both Elite and Epic difficulties. Essentially, it's the same raid, but the boss will be slightly stronger, and an additional affix will be applied to the entire raid, making it more challenging.

Blight Dragon - Recommended Attributes

And although the requirements we have described are enough to start the raid, they may not be sufficient for the Blight Dragon Kill . For a more comfortable gameplay, we recommend having the following attributes, as, based on our experience, this can make completing the Tarisland Blight Dragon raid easier.

Difficulty Crit/Combo Omni/Cooldown ATK Physical DEF Health
Elite 1616 1047 690 426 32662
Epic 2169 1690 961 525 46020

After achieving these attributes, your Blight Dragon Kill will be significantly easier. If you are unable to reach these values, you can get the support of our professionals with the help of Tarisland Blight Dragon Boost. We will add you to a team that will help neutralize the difference in attributes with their excellent teamwork.

Blight Dragon - Rewards

For defeating the boss and completing this raid, you can choose one reward if you have available rewards chances. Specifically, you have the opportunity to select such rewards:

  • For Blight Dragon Kill Elite - Set items, a rare weapon, and a rare badge with 100 GS (purple).
  • For Blight Dragon Kill Epic - Set items, a rare weapon, and a rare badge with 110 GS (purple).

As an additional reward, you will also receive a Dragon Heart Fragment. By collecting 50 of these fragments, you can synthesize them into a Dragon Heart. Using the heart and completing the associated quest, you can obtain the rarest mount in the game, the Young Blight Dragon, which can freely fly across Tarisland without reputation limits.

However, to obtain it, players need to kill the dragon many times over many weeks, as you can only receive one fragment per week per difficulty, totaling 2 fragments weekly. This process can be very tedious, but with Blight Dragon Boost, you can avoid this lengthy grind, and our boosters will help you obtain fragments by completing raid after raid over many weeks, while you may not even need to lift a finger.

Regarding Challenge Mode, completing it will reward you with a unique title for the first completion and will grant Gold Coins and Battle Pass Experience as rewards for the related achievement.

Can I Get Rewards for Each Raid Completion?

Unfortunately, no. You can only receive one reward from the raid difficulty per week. Raid reward chances are refreshed every Friday at 04:00 server time. Despite these conditions, raids remain the best source for high-level gear in Tarisland.

Blight Dragon - Core Mechanism

During the raid, whether you undertake it yourself or during our Blight Dragon Boost service, you will encounter unique features of this raid, including:

  • The Dragon's [Hulking Form] casts base attacks to damage two targets simultaneously.
  • The Dragon will periodically charge up and cast a destructive magic [Ash To Ash]. It can only be interrupted by guiding and firing [Wrath of Nidhoggr] at the targeted location.
  • Location Beacon will be periodically thrown into the field, requiring attention to [Summon Pyro] to protect and successfully deploy three beacons.
  • The boss will cast [Windfire], causing long-range knockback. Players knocked into the lava will suffer continuous DMG.

Understanding these mechanics will significantly simplify the Tarisland Blight Dragon Kill.

Blight Dragon - Skills

We also recommend studying the boss's abilities before the battle to create an effective strategy and avoid dying from the first AoE skill. During the fight, you may encounter the following abilities (damage and their use may vary on Elite difficulty):

  1. Base Attack: The boss swings its claws, dealing Physical DMG. It also burns the target's wound, dealing a certain amount of DMG that may grant Glancing every 1.5 sec for 3 sec.
    • Hulking Form (Base Attack Relevant Skill): The boss's hulking frame makes his base attacks extremely dangerous. Ensidor's base attacks will deal DMG to both the target and another player within a 5m radius of the target. In the case there are no other players around, the main target takes DMG twice.
    • Armor Slam (Base Attack Relevant Skill): After every two base attacks, the dragon's next attack will turn into Armor Slam, breaking the main target's armor, increasing the DMG the target takes from base attacks by 50% (the Cleave DMG dealt by [Hulking Form] is not affected) for 40 sec; stackable.
  2. Death Meteor: The boss locks onto 2 players (locks the Tank players first). After a few seconds, summon a [Death Meteor], dealing massive DMG to them and players within a 6m radius, among whom the DMG can be shared. If the total number of players hit by the [Death Meteor] is less than 8, the boss becomes berserk, increasing its ATK by 50%. This effect is stackable. If a player is hit twice by a meteor, they will take massive additional DMG.
  3. Dragon Roar: The boss lets out a deafening roar, dealing DOT to all players.
  4. Immolation: The boss deals DOT to the 2 players farthest away from it for 7 sec. When DOT ends, an explosion will occur, dealing DMG to all the other players. The higher th HP of the target, the lesser the DMG.
  5. Incinerate: The dragon takes a deep breath and fires a large flaming bomb, which explodes and shatters the dragon's nest, causing a volcanic eruption.
    • Volcanic Eruption (Incinerate Relevant Skill): Several volcanos rise from the ground, spewing continuous lava that can be dodged at the player's location.
  6. Elemental Ashes: The boss selects 4 players (locks the non-Tank players first) and engulfs them with wild flame after 6 sec, dealing DMG to all characters within 3m of them. [Elemental Ashes] will then spawn at their locations and deal increasing DMG to all players in the group.
  7. Leaping Flame: The dragon summons several huge fireballs that fall slowly, dealing DMG to all players within a 3m radius of the points of landing and inflicting them with a debuff that increases the DMG they take from [Leaping Flame] by 100% for 4 sec. If the fireballs hit a non-Tank player, they deal lethal damage to them. If the fireballs do not hit any player, they will deal massive DMG to all players.
  8. Flame of Chaos: The boss selects all players, making them spit a cross flaming bomb after 6 sec. Hit targets will be inflicted with the same effect.
  9. Annihilation Orb: The boss concentrates the power of omen and flames to form two Orbs next to it. The orbs will keep chasing players, dealing massive DMG to the player they touch. Make the orbs collide with each other to explode and eliminate them.
  10. Windfire: The dragon ferociously sweeps its tail, knocking all players back 55m. When the attack is charged, the boss will slam the ground, dealing substantial DMG to players within a radius of 14-64m of it.
    • Summon Fire Tornado (Windfire Relevant Skill): As the dragon charges, it will constantly summon a fast-moving [Fire Tornado], and players who touch the tornado will take DMG and be Dazed for a while.
  11. Ash To Ash: Ensidor prepares to cast a devastating large-scale spell. After a long time of charging, Ensidor will summon a steady stream of [Meteor Rain] that will deal increasing DMG to all players.
  12. Location Beacon: The mighty power of the Wrath of Nidhoggr can stop the Blight Dragon's destructive magic, but it can only be launched after 3 beacons have sent the location. SilverLit will help in the assault on the Nest of Blight by dropping location beacons onto the battleground periodically.
    • Summon Pyro (Beacon Relevant Skill): The beacon needs 10 sec to unfold and send its location. As the beacon unfolds, the boss will summon Pyro to destroy the beacon.
  13. Wrath of Nidhoggr: Wrath of Nidhoggr deals critical damage to the dragon, interrupting Ensidor's charging, dealing damage equal to 25% of its maximum HP, and weakening him, increasing all DMG taken by 100% for 12 sec.
    • Retaliate (Wrath of Nidhoggr Relevant Skill): After the [Wrath of Nidhoggr] is fired, the dragon will retaliate by summoning [Fire Prison] to reseal all beacons. Players can attack and break the [Fire Prison], after which the beacons will take some time to unfold again.
    • Implosion Fragment (Wrath of Nidhoggr Relevant Skill): When [Fire Prison] explodes, its extremely hot fragments deal DMG to all players in the group, and [Implosion Fragments] are also inflicted to deal moderate DMG every 1.5 sec for 20 sec. DOT is stackable.
  14. Eternal Flame: A lava ball, generated by congealing lava power, moves towards the boss. If the lava ball touches the boss, it heals the boss for a certain amount of health. Lava balls won't disappear, and one more lava ball will appear in each stage.
    • Lava Strike (Eternal Flame Relevant Skill): Players can knock a lava ball away by moving close to it, but they will take a certain amount of DMG and gain a shock effect that increases the DMG they take when knocking lava balls away. Stackable.

Knowing all the skills of a dragon, you can boost Tarisland Blight Dragon raid progression. All that's left is to create an effective strategy for your team!

Blight Dragon - Strategies

During the raid, we encountered various difficulties and, through trial and error, сreated effective strategies. Now you can see how to act during the raid depending on your role.

Damage Dealer Strategy

  • Share the DMG with the tanks when the boss casts [Death Meteor].
  • Ranged players take turn to stand the farthest from the boss and take DMG from the boss's [Immolation].
  • Players targeted by [Elemental Ashes] should get away from other players, and focus fire on the minions.
  • When the boss casts [Flame of Chaos], dodge flaming bombs cast by others, and prevent it from hitting other players. Defeat [Summon Pyro] to protect the beacon as it unfolds.
  • After [Wrath of Nidhoggr] inflicts the boss with Weak & Vulnerable, cast burst damage skills for high DMG output.

Healer Strategy

  • Pay attention to the HP of both tanks.
  • When the boss casts [Dragon Roar], focus on AoE healing.
  • Pay attention to the HP of players targeted by [Immolation] to prevent a full team wipeout.
  • Ranged players take turn to stand the farthest from the boss to take DMG from the boss's [Immolation].
  • When the boss casts [Flame of Chaos], dodge flaming bombs cast by other enemies to prevent it from hitting other players.
  • When the boss casts [Leaping Flame], pay special attention to the tankss HP and cast dmg reduction skill if necessary

Tank Strategy

  • Have the two tanks stand together and away from the rest of the team, let them share [Base Attack]'s and [Hulking Form]'s DMG.
  • When the boss casts [Death Meteor], the two tanks should split up temporarily and share the DMG with two groups of teammates, then quickly return to their original position.
  • When the boss casts [Leaping Flame], catch the falling fireballs so that the whole group does not take DMG. Avoid catching the balls consecutively or you will take extra damage.
  • Adjust where the boss faces to prevent [Incinerate] from hitting your teammates.

How to Defeat Blight Dragon Faster?

The most important aspect of the battle is having a good team. Without coordinated teamwork, the task of defeating the Blight Dragon becomes almost impossible. Here are some tips to simplify the battle and find a team of professionals:

  • Find a Team: If you're unsure where to find a team that works well together and communicates effectively in your language, you can use the official Tarisland Discord channel. Click here to join.
  • Plan Your Strategy: Before the battle, learn all the boss phases and create your tactics. Ensure that everyone knows their role in the fight.
  • Check Your GS: Check your equipment and ensure that it is of a high enough level to effectively defeat Blight Dragon. Start with Lower Difficulties: Test your team's capabilities on lower difficulties before attempting higher levels. This will help you practice the boss phases and attacks.
  • Boosting Services: You can significantly simplify the task by purchasing services like our Tarisland Blight Dragon Boost service, where a team of professionals will handle everything for you. You won't even need to lift a finger.
  • By using these methods, you'll easily be able to defeat the boss and claim your valuable rewards and loot.
  • What are the best classes for Tarisland Blight Dragon Kill?

    The choice of the best classes for defeating Blight Dragon in Tarisland is subjective and depends largely on individual skills. However, if you'd like our opinion, we can confidently state that the Bard is considered one of the top classes for raid clearing on DPS position. The Paladin (Guard), is ideal for the Tank position, while the Phantom Necro (Soul Healing) class stands out as an excellent choice for the Healer position.

    Is Blight Dragon Important to Defeat in Tarisland?

    Raids are optional content in Tarisland, but this endgame activity serves as a source of high-tier gear. Therefore, it's crucial for increasing your character's Gear Score (GS). Simply skipping raids can leave you less competitive compared to other players.

    Useful links


    Victory over the Blight Dragon and completing the raid is a challenging task available at level 40 and requires a Gear Score of 100. Without careful preparation and a good team, finishing the raid will be very difficult, so strategizing and team coordination play a crucial role. And while the raid may seem daunting, the rewards it offers are valuable. So don't wait, dive into battle and obtain high-tier GS items!

    But if you don't have a team or prefer not to spend time on raids but still want to obtain the best items in the game, you can take advantage of our Tarisland Blight Dragon Boost service, where our team will help you achieve your goals faster.


    The short answer is yes, and there are several reasons for this:

    1. During our 10 years of experience in the boosting industry and with over 90,000 completed orders, there have been almost no bans or other issues.
    2. We only work with verified players who complete all orders manually, never using cheats, exploits, or bots.
    3. All our boosters have years of experience and are top-tier players with impressive portfolios.
    4. Our game curators personally play the games we offer and know what they are talking about.
    5. Our players use only high-quality VPNs from top tier providers.
    6. We guarantee 100% security of your personal and account data.

    Our mission is to provide the best boosting services at a fair price.

    Of course, we can easily adjust the timing of your order completion to suit your desires.

    Yes, you can change your character or cancel order if the boost hasn't started yet. However, if the service has already begun and there is some progress, and you wish to change characters, our operators will need to take into account the work already done and recalculate the terms for the completion of your order.

    More questions?
    Simply contact us 🎧
    Blight Dragon