ESO Scribing Quests Boost

Here you can buy the ESO Scribing Quests Boost service. This boost is designed to help you swiftly complete the scribing quests in The Elder Scrolls Online. These quests are crucial for advancing your scribing skills and unlocking valuable rewards that enhance your capabilities in crafting and enchanting. 

Service Includes

  • All the Scribing Features unlocked
  • Some Grimoires, Scripts, and Luminous Inks obtained
  • Many rewards for completing tasks & activities in process

🕜 ETA completion time: 2 hours - 5 hours, depends from priority option and selected features.


  • The Elder Scrolls Online Account
  • Login and Password of your Account for Account Sharing
  • Maxed lvl of Character
  • Your account's safety guaranteed. All of your items will stay in place

Boost Options Explained

  • Account sharing - This option requires you to provide our booster access to your account in order to complete Scribing Quests.
  • Select region - In this option, you need to select the region where you play.
  • Stream - Our booster will livestream the gameplay as they progress.
  • Default Priority - Standard task execution priority in regular mode.
  • Express Priority - High-priority task execution in an accelerated mode.

How It Works

After you've selected all the desired options and paid for your order, you'll receive an order number and an email confirmation that your order has been accepted.

  • Contact us by Discord or WhatsApp;
  • If you don't get in touch for a while, our operators will contact you using the specified method or email;
  • Provide us with your order number, and our support crew will start looking for a suitable booster;
  • As soon as we assign a player to carry out your order, we will need your game account details or account/character credentials for an invite;
  • When the order is completed, you'll receive a notification in the Discord channel or other messenger of your choice.

Enjoy the results of your order ;)

Please leave a review on Trustpilot. Your opinion is very important to us as we aim to provide the best boosting service on the market!

Scribing Quests Completion

To begin your journey in scribing within Elder Scrolls Online, you must complete the introductory quest, "The Second Era of Scribing." This quest can be found in the West Weald zone, added with the Gold Road Chapter. Head to the Skingrad Vineyard Wayshrine and look for Adept Irnard Rirnil in the Mages Guild to start the quest.

Completing The Second Era of Scribing

Follow the quest instructions given by Adept Irnard Rirnil. This will involve gathering basic materials and learning the fundamentals of scribing. You will be directed to the Scholarium, where you will gain access to the Scribing Altar. Completing this quest will grant you a base Grimoire and a set of initial Scripts, allowing you to begin experimenting with the scribing system.

The Scholarium and Scribing Altar

The Scholarium, located beneath Eyevea, is the primary location where you will perform scribing activities. To scribe a skill:

  • Interact with the Scribing Altar.
  • Select the Grimoire you wish to modify.
  • Choose one Focus Script, one Signature Script, and one Affix Script to apply to the Grimoire. Ensure that the scripts are compatible with each other and the Grimoire.
  • Use Luminous Ink to inscribe the scripts onto the Grimoire. Each script application consumes one Luminous Ink.
  • Craft the customized skill by finalizing your choices at the altar.

Acquiring Additional Scripts

Scripts are essential for creating and modifying skills. You can obtain them through various activities:

  • Focus Scripts: Complete daily Delve quests, daily Mages Guild quests, and PvP Rewards for the Worthy.
  • Signature Scripts: Obtainable from daily World Boss quests, daily Cyrodiil quests, and daily Fighters Guild quests.
  • Affix Scripts: Found through daily World Event quests, daily Imperial City quests, and daily Undaunted quests.

Additionally, completing specific quests in the Scholarium, such as "The Wing of the Dragon" or "The Wing of the Netch", will unlock better access to scripts from vendors and increase your chances of obtaining them from other in-game activities. These quests also provide unique scripts that can be used to further customize your skills.

Class Mastery Scripts

Each class in ESO has unique Class Mastery Scripts that add specific effects to your skills. To acquire these scripts, you must seek out Class Script Scraps, which appear across Tamriel after completing the quest "The Wing of the Dragon". Combining 50 Class Script Scraps will grant you a Class Mastery Signature Script. Examples include:

  • Arcanist: Creates a Crux.
  • Necromancer: Increases Health, Magicka, and Stamina for each nearby corpse.

Tips for Efficient Scribing

Regularly complete daily quests to ensure a steady supply of scripts and Luminous Ink. Experiment with different script combinations to find the most effective skills for your playstyle. Joining a crafting guild can provide additional resources and support for your scribing activities.

By understanding the quest requirements, gathering the necessary materials, and experimenting with script combinations, you can master the art of scribing in ESO and significantly enhance your gameplay experience.

Why You Should Try Our Scribing Boost

Choosing our Scribing Boost in The Elder Scrolls Online ensures you quickly and efficiently master the scribing system. Our professional players help you complete the introductory quest, gather necessary materials, and unlock valuable scripts. This boost saves you time and allows you to focus on customizing your spells to fit your playstyle perfectly. Gain an edge in both PvE and PvP environments with optimized spells and a personalized magical arsenal.


The short answer is yes, and there are several reasons for this:

  1. During our 10 years of experience in the boosting industry and with over 90,000 completed orders, there have been almost no bans or other issues.
  2. We only work with verified players who complete all orders manually, never using cheats, exploits, or bots.
  3. All our boosters have years of experience and are top-tier players with impressive portfolios.
  4. Our game curators personally play the games we offer and know what they are talking about.
  5. Our players use only high-quality VPNs from top tier providers.
  6. We guarantee 100% security of your personal and account data.

Our mission is to provide the best boosting services at a fair price.

Of course, we can easily adjust the timing of your order completion to suit your desires.

Yes, you can change your character or cancel order if the boost hasn't started yet. However, if the service has already begun and there is some progress, and you wish to change characters, our operators will need to take into account the work already done and recalculate the terms for the completion of your order.

More questions?
Simply contact us 🎧
ESO Scribing Quests