The Beledar's Spawn is a prestigious mount introduced with the release of The War Within expansion in
World of Warcraft. Through the
Sacred Flame, whispers of darkness will carry you to battle. To obtain this unique flying mount, you need to defeat
elite rare mobs in Hallowfall, also known as Beledar's Spawn. This mob appears at the beginning of Beledar's Shadow
(also known as the Void Phase), which lasts for 30 minutes and recurs every 3 hours, starting 1 hour after the daily
reset. When the Void Phase ends, Beledar’s Spawn will disappear. Below are the coordinates where the mobs spawn:
- 25.82 57.54
- 32.67 39.62
- 37.20 71.91
- 37.74 45.85
- 38.38 24.74
- 42.73 31.33
- 45.25 25.69
- 47.01 55.04
- 48.85 31.97
- 50.51 48.57
- 51.42 70.80
- 54.83 36.81
- 58.03 48.85
- 58.61 28.83
- 60.45 18.62
- 61.38 7.53
- 62.82 38.57
- 68.12 30.14
- 72.06 65.66
- 72.80 41.52
Acquiring the mount requires a lot of grinding, as the drop chance is very low. However, if you don’t want to
spend the time or aren’t lucky with drops, you can always buy Beledar's Spawn Mount service, and
we’ll obtain this unique mount for you.
WoW Beledar's Spawn Mount Service Includes
Our service guarantees the acquisition of this unique elemental mount. Our booster will log into your account and
farm elite mobs until the mount drops. Order our mount service and obtain the mount without wasting time on grinding!