Glory of the Cataclysm Raider

Here you can buy Glory of the Cataclysm Raider meta-achievement to get unique Reins of the Drake of the East Wind flying mount fast and easy

Service Includes


  • 50 Lvl Horde Character. Don't have one yet? Take advantage of our Power Leveling Boost service.
  • Login and password, your account safety guaranteed.


Glory of the Cataclysm Raider is a meta-achievement in WoW: Cataclysm Classic expansion where players need to accomplish different achievements by performing special activities and completing unique tasks on bosses in all 3 Cataclysm Classic raids and also killing all bosses in raid on Heroic difficulty. When your character earns all 24 achievements listed in Glory of the Cataclysm Raider meta-achievement, you will get awesome Reins of the Drake of the East Wind flying mount as the main reward. Buy our Glory of the Cataclysm Raider boost service, get your awesome Drake of the East Wind Mount and have the best gaming experience and pastime you have ever had!


Glory of the Cataclysm Raider