Trading Post Boost

Here you can buy Trading Post Boost to farm 1000 Trader's Tender and fill full 100% progress bar in Traveler's Log by completing activity challenges during the month to get a monthly special reward

Service Includes

  • You will get 1000 Trader's Tender monthly cap farmed by completing different seasonal Trading Post Activity Challenges on your WoW account. For this currency you can buy lots of cool cosmetic rewards available on a monthly rotation

  • You will get special monthly reward for reaching 100% of your Traveler's Log progress bar during the boost


  • Active WoW subscription on your WoW account.
  • Login and password, your account's safety guaranteed.
  • Estimated Boost Time is up to several days.


Trading Post Boost - the easiest way to complete Trading Post activity challenges, farm 1000 Trader's Tender and unlock a special monthly reward

Trading Post is a new and very long waited feature introduced in WoW Dragonflight patch 10.0.5 offering players a range of cool cosmetic rewards on a monthly rotation. You will earn a special currency called Trader's Tender by completing various activity challenges in various types of content, which then can be used to purchase mounts, pets, transmogs and other stuff. The system operates in a similar fashion to a Battle Pass, however the key difference is that players use their in-game currency to get the rewards. There's a cap of 1000 Trader's Tenders each player can earn by completing the Trader's Post activities, so you will have to choose your rewards very carefully, and earnign the currency will fill a progress bar in a new tab called Traveler's Log, rewarding with a special monthly reward for reaching 100% progress.

Each month a player with active WoW subscription will get 500 Trader's Tenders simply for logging into the game and collecting the reward from a chest at their faction's Trading Post. Also, there is a bar of 1000 Trader's Tenders, which can be earned by completing various Trading Post challenges and activities during the month, with some of them being unique and tied to specific type of content or events. It can take a lot of time to complete all the required Trading Post activities and fill up the progress bar to 100% in Traveler's Log so save yourself lots of time with our Trading Post Boost and our professional players will do all the routine for you. You can buy Trading Post Boost with account sharing. Our professional and trusted Mmonster players will kindly boost your character with this WoW Dragonflight Trading Post Boost carry service really fast so lean back and watch your character collects all those tasty rewards and tremendously grows in power!


Trading Post Boost