Arena is the most favorite place of all Horde and Alliance players to fight for their faction and compete to get higher in PvP rating ladder in 2v2 and 3v3 brackets. Only the strongest teams can reach the highest ratings which reward Conquest points to buy elite epic gear, unique titles, cool Feats of Strength achievements and other rewards. Participating in Rated Arena games will have your Rating gained or lost every match depending on the outcome of the game. By reaching specific Arena Rating points you will get respective Rank with such cutoffs in The War Within Season 1:
- Unranked/Unrated - 0-999 Rating;
- Combatant I - 1000-1199 Rating;
- Combatant II - 1200-1399 Rating;
- Challenger I - 1400-1599 Rating;
- Challenger II - 1600-1799 Rating;
- Rival I - 1800-1949 Rating;
- Rival II - 1950-2100 Rating;
- Duelist - 2100-2399 Rating;
- Elite - 2400+ Rating;
- Gladiator - 50 wins above 2400 Rating.
- Forged Gladiator (Rank One) - top 0.1% of the Arena ladder by the end of Season 1.
Our Arena Rating Boost - the best way to obtain desired 2v2 or 3v3 Arena Rank fast and easy
Highest earned rating determines which item level of PvP gear is available for purchase at Conquest Vendor and as weekly reward from the Great Vault, which Elite set transmog gear pieces are unlocked and which titles/FoS achievements you get. The more rating you get, the better rewards you collect, that's an easy rule! Winning games and reaching the highest Arena Rating is not a trivial task and requires exceptional playing skill, experience, effort and time not only from you, but from all your team mates. And with our Arena Rating Boost service you won't have to face all these trials alone, as our top pvp players are ready to provide you with the best and the most effective way to get your character desired Arena rating, pvp gear and other rewards fast and easy. So what are you waiting for? Join our pro boosting team, crush your enemies while winning Arena battles and claim your ultimate rewards!
All The War Within Season 1 Arena rewards - buy the boost, enjoy the loots!
Even if you are an experienced seasonal player with the full pvp gear, climbing Arena ladder and winning Arena games on high rating will still be a tough challenge for you, however, the rewards you will get for reaching the highest Ranks are really high. Depending on your earned Rating you will get lots of different rewards, such as Feats of Strength achievements, unique titles and guaranteed 632 PvP item level item as a weekly reward from The Great Vault as well as Elite Gladiator gear set pieces unlocked for purchase. Here are all the rankings a player can earn in TWW PvP Season ! and their respective rewards:
Additionally to that, you will get a bunch of Marks of Honor which you can exchange for old season PvP tier sets or weapons, heirlooms and pvp mounts, lots of Conquest points and Honor points farmed during the boost required to purchase your PvP gear from Honor and Conquest vendors, Honor Level boosted along the way and filling PvP progress bar towards Seasonal Vicious mount reward (Vicious Skyflayer mount in Season 1) or Vicious Saddle if you already obtained your Seasonal PvP Mount, which can be exchanged for one of the Vicious mounts from the previous expansions.
Simply buy Arena Rank Boosting service and get your desired arena rating in no time
Our professional pvp boosting team consists of several multi-ranked 1 Gladiators with huge experience in providing the fastest, most secure and reliable service using only premium VPN services so you can be sure you will achieve your desired Arena Rating in no time. There are no special requirements to buy Arena Rating Boost Carry other than 80 level of your character and honor/conquest PvP gear set depending on your desired rating. We also guarantee security of your account, complete anonymity and reliability of our PvP boost services. You can buy Arena Rating Boost Carry with account sharing or selfplay. Our pro players will kindly boost your character's seasonal pvp rating on Arenas really fast so lean back and watch your character climbs the competitve PvP ladder and tremendousely grows in power!